Welcome to the FLOURYSH 5 - where we introduce shoppers to new and blooming black-owned brands! Today we interviewed thee founders of HYVE-LIFE, Ahsh & Mika
FLOUYRSH spent 5 minutes with the founders of HYVE Eyewear and found out how confidence is the force behind their fashion forward eyewear.
Enter The #FLO:
I love there's a duo here. Both founders are joining us now. I want to start with your relationship, the story between you two and how you went into business together. How did this all come about in the beginning stages of HYVE?
Ahsh: It started on a rainy day. We needed some sunshine. Literally that's how it started. I'm a pharmaceutical sales rep so I drive around and go to doctor's offices all day and it was raining. I had just parked and I was about to go into an office and I'm like, just I had my hair done and I'm not trying to get wet right now. So let me just sit and wait for the rain out. I'm just looking up and I'm just like, What else can I do that would put a smile on my face or that could
generate more income? I literally was like, oh, sunglasses, that would be, dope. And I immediately called her. The person that I know that could help develop this idea would be Mika and I called her.
Mika, when you got the phone call and she told you about the concept, what was your reaction?
Mika: I was like, great! This is like my sister right here. So I'm like, whatever you need, I'll help you. It was on from then.
So how did you start the development stage?
Ahsh: So first of all, we're both Pisces. So you should already know that we are creative. Our imagination goes beyond reality sometimes. I will tell you that we started literally the next day we started doing research. We started, injecting our own style into this. And it was a lot. It sounds like something easy, but there's a lot of things that go into this. So we just started doing the research and trying to come up with a brand that would really showcase who we are and allow us to pour into the community.
Once you started researching and getting it out there, I'm interested to know just how the company has grown from nothing to something?
Mika: It's certainly been a journey for entrepreneurship. We immediately started researching and looking into things and it's trial and error. We have a product, so we may love something, but maybe the customers don't love it. So we tried out different shapes, styles, colors, to see what works, what people like, and not only what people like what but actually fits our brand. So the longer we're in business, we're learning. We're learning different things about business,
we're learning about people and their worlds. So we're still growing. We're super excited. We haven't even touched the surface yet.
Let's talk about the actual eyewear itself. What do you specialize in and maybe talk about some of your favorite products.
Ahsh: So we specialize in eyewear. The brand is called HYVE, spelled H Y V E. And it stands for Helping Your Vision Evolve. So eyewear is the product that we're using to really promote people stepping out into their purpose. It exudes confidence. That's what we want people to feel because when you put your outfit on, you can get ready, but when you put on that pair of sunglasses, it just tops it off. And that's what we stand for.
Mika: We want you to love what you see when you see the reflection in the mirror. So our product is an accessory that enhances what you already have on the inside.
It's so clear. You're selling confidence. You're trying to help people see themselves for who they really are, which are beautiful masterpieces, but sometimes you need to clear up your vision to see it. Okay,
Let’s talk about the style, the spectrum of styles.
Mika: We would say that the woman, the HYVE woman , she's about her business. She's a boss. She loves brunch with the ladies. She loves to look good. As women, when we look good, we feel good and we're able to perform and walk in our power and our purpose as we stated earlier. We have some trendy frames, but a lot of our frames are classic pieces that you can wear year round.
Ahsh: And they're transitional. And one of the things that we love is when we're in front of people and they get to try them on, because the first thing they're saying is, oh I only wear this style. And we're just like, you wear the glasses, they don't wear you. So we encourage them to try on different styles. And the one thing that we noticed is that when people start trying them on, especially something that's different, their body language changes. All of a sudden
they're in the mirror and they're calling their friends over and it is amazing what that does for them. We let fear get in the way, all of the time stepping out into our purpose. You need to stay in and stand on your purpose. And as your light starts shining brighter and brighter, no one can turn away. They can just put on a pair of sunglasses,HYVE sunglasses and watch you shine.
Where do consumers begin? If they're not able to physically put them on, how can they choose the right glasses?
Ahsh:I would just say, be open and allow yourself to experience different styles and just have fun with it. Also we have customer service. If you have questions about the frame and the sizes we're certainly there to help.
Mika: We have people there to respond to your messages. So that also helps. But the main thing is when we're at events or doing pop-ups, and we're in person, then they really get to see which works for their face. And, there's this thing that people can use as far as if you have an oval shape, a square shape, or a triangle. It does matter, but as Ahsh said, really it's what you like.
We can't wait to see your success with us!